
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Letter of Nelson Davenport, Company G, 34th Iowa Infantry

Saint Louis Nov. the 25, 1862

Dear wife I take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well at present and hope that these few lines will find you and the children all well. We landed here yesterday morning after a long and tiresome ride on an old steamboat. We left Burlington on Saturday morning and come to Montrose and stayed there and expected to stay there until morning but all of the regiment but three companies was on another boat and they got to Keokuk about the same time that we got to Montrose and the boat was ready to start for this place and the colonel sent the cars for us about twelve o’clock at night and we had to get up and get on the cars and go to Keokuk. I must tell you now that our captain fell into the river at Montrose but he had good luck to get out again there was three or four boys fell into the river but there was none drownded, one man lost his gun. The thirty third reg. is here in St. Louis but I have not had a chance to see any of the boys that came from thare, but if we stay here long I will go and see them if I can. The thirty six will be here in a few days. There was a man come down on the boat with us that belonged to the company that the boys is in that come from Montrose and he says that Henry Andrews is dead he had the measles and went home and he took cold and died. No more at present but write as soon as you get this and let me know how you are getting along direct your letters to

St. Louis 34th Iowa regiment company G.
Nelson Davenport

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