
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Our Boys In The Twelfth

Company E, Twelfth Iowa Regiment, was recruited in this vicinity. Below we give he loss to this company at the Pittsburg battle:


Privates – Wm. L Pawley and J. W. Fuller


Anthony Biller, bruise in ankle.
Charles Johnson, in back.
Jacob Howery, in hip.
Benj. Eberhart, right eye.
Thomas Porter, in leg.
Samuel Lichty, neck and leg.
J. P. Thompson, leg broken.


Capt. Wm. Haddock, 1st Lieut. John Elwell, 2nd Lieut. Rob’t Williams, Sergts. Jas. Stewart, O. P. Collins, Corps. C. V. Surfus, J. F. Smith.

Privates – M. V. B. Sunderlin, D. Craighton, Harvey Smith, Nelson Strong, Stephen Story, Hiram Hoisington, John [Ahrens], Allen E. Talbot, Milton Rood, Oliver Sharp, John Koch, A. B. Perry, Joshua Bird, C. D. Morris, Isaac Watkins, Wm. H. Sherman, J. Margetz, Seth P. Crohurst, W. Richmond, Thomas Porter, Joseph Johnson, Elias Moon, G. L. [Leber], Wm. O. Bird, John L Cook. George Holden.

– Published in The Cedar Falls Gazette, Cedar Falls, Iowa, Friday, April 25, 1862

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