
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Roads and Bridges

The continued heavy rains and corresponding muddy roads and high waters have laid a complete embargo on that reciprocation of mutual dependence which exists between town and country. Yesterday three farmers living beyond Duck Creek, which magnificent stream courses within a mile of our corporate limits, attempted to reach our city on horseback. Hey tried the bridge of the Dubuque route, but found the road leading on to it washed away; they then went up to the Harrison street bridge, which they found in the same condition. Proceeding up to the next bridge and finding it in a similar condition and determined to come to town anyhow, they plunged their horses into the stream, and after much floundering and considerable swimming made this shore. Whether they have attempted to return we know not. Our Supervisors should attend to the condition of these and other bridges on the different roads throughout the county speedily as possible, as we are informed some of them are washed away, and all in a wretched condition.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 18, 1862, p. 1

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