
Monday, October 19, 2009

Scott County Soldiers Killed

We have heard from the 2d, 11th, and 13th regiments, in which there were three deaths of Scott county men. George Crooks and John R. Buckman, of Co. E, 11th regt. And Corporal John Melton, Co. E, 13th Regt. Geo. Crooks is a native of Pennsylvania, and about 21 years of age. After his enlistment last fall, his father died, leaving some younger children in their care of their brother George. He was a sober, industrious and exemplary young man, and his loss is a sad blow to those who depended on him. John R. Buckman was born in Illinois, and was hardly 18 when he enlisted, and was probably the youngest member of his company. We have known him a long time, and always appreciated him as a good, brave, warm-hearted boy, who could not fail to make a good and useful man, and we feel assured there was none more heroic on that fatal battle field than little Johnny Buckman. Both Crooks and Buckman lived in Le Claire, and enlisted in Capt. McLoney’s company, 11th regiment last fall. John Melton was born in Indiana, and was 24 years old when he enlisted in Capt. VanHosen’s company last fall, holding therein the position of first corporal.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 18, 1862, p. 1

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