
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Skirmish

We regret to learn that during a skirmish between our troops and the Yankees, a day or two ago, near Trenton, Jones County, Lieut. Col. Robinson, of Col. Spruill’s Cavalry was killed. Lieut. Col. Robinson is spoken of as a good officer.

We have heard nothing direct from it, but it is rumored that our forces had the enemy in good position to bag, when a portion of Ransom’s Cavalry coming up to their assistance, whom they mistook for the enemy’s Cavalry, caused a stampede with a portion of our men. We are unprepared to give credence to a rumor of that kind. A small portion of our force, it is said, stood their ground and fought well.

– Published in The North Carolina Weekly Standard, Raleigh, North Carolina, Wednesday, April 16, 1862, p. 3

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