
Sunday, November 22, 2009

The French Marching on the City of Mexico

NEW YORK, April 24. – The Spanish steam frigate Isabella Catolica has arrived from Havana 17th.

The Diaro states that persons direct from New Orleans report the rebel defenses much exaggerated; that Forts Jackson and St. Phillip have been abandoned and the cannon taken away; there is nothing to prevent the Federal fleet sailing directly to New Orleans The Diaro does not vouch for the truth of these reports.

Later News from Vera Cruz had reached Havana.

After an unsatisfactory conference between the Allied commanders, the French General decided to march his division against the City of Mexico, taking upon himself the responsibility. The English and Spanish plenipotentiaries thereupon decided to withdraw their troops.

It was stated that the Juarez Government is ready to give every satisfaction to the Allies in the matter of claims, but will not listen to the idea of a monarchy, and in case the Allies advanced to the Capital would retire from it.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 3

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