
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

From the 11th Iowa Regiment

The following letter has been a long time in reaching us, but contains matter of sufficient interest for publication: –

PITTSBURG, Tenn., April 4, 1862.

FRIEND SANDERS: – The Crescent City reached this place at 5 P. M. The 16th may not land until morning. The river here is 30 feet lower than it was ten days since, banks steep and muddy. I should like to see some of those who stay at home and find fault with the slow movements of the army, disembark one regiment with all their horses, wagons and baggage, in twenty-four hours, at any point on the west side of this river within several miles of this place. Everything must go up a steep bluff of at least 100 feet elevation, with mud ankle deep

Heavy firing was heard just after we arrived. Officers of the 8th Iowa who came on board this evening, report that three regiments of rebels approached our lines five miles from this point, for a reconnoisance, and came unexpectedly upon a battery who were out practicing. Our guns opened fire upon them, and a regiment of infantry near at hand – probably the 6th Iowa – pitched in, when the rebels broke and fled, leaving 50 prisoners in our hands. Three of our men are now reported killed and one wounded. Do not know how many rebels were killed, if any. Another report says, that only one regiment of rebel infantry and perhaps two companies of cavalry were engaged.

A Lieutenant of the 15th Iowa, just in from the camp, says that several regiments are ordered to prepare rations for two days, and that forty rounds of cartridges were distributed. This looks like work near at hand.

All is activity in this recently desolate and lonely place. Steamers come and go – several in an hour – while the muddy bluffs are alive with men and mules. A hospital boat runs to Savannah and back, to carry the sick to hospitals in that place. There are no buildings here except one or two small shanties – at least no others in sight from the river.


– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport Iowa, Friday Morning, April 18, 1862, p. 2

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