
Thursday, November 26, 2009

From Gen. Mitchell’s Division

CINCINNATI, April 22. – The Gazette’s Huntsville (Ala.) correspondent says that Beauregard’s dispatch to Gen. Cooper, calling for reinforcements, was found in the Telegraph office, having passed over the wires before Mitchell’s division reached Huntsville, and about one third of the reinforcements called for had already passed down to Corinth. The remainder are collected at Chattanooga and other points on the Tennessee river, being unable to move forward on account of the obstructions placed in their way by Gen Mitchell. Beauregard’s dispatch was impartially written in cypher, but was easily translated by Gen. Mitchell. The rolling stock captured by Gen. Mitchell has been sent to Nashville.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1662, p. 3

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