{Correspondence Cincinnati Commercial}
Four miles from Savannah, we halted to allow Nelson to get out of the way, as we were at the rear of his trains. At 6 P.M., having distributed two days’ rations of the necessaries of life to the soldiers, (that is, hard crackers,) we were taking arms preparatory to start, when in rode Col. Smith, the commander of our brigade, accompanied by a mounted Orderly only, after a ride of nearly sixty miles, accomplished in ten hours. He had reached us at the critical moment, and we already felt his presence more than the addition of five hundred men; and then sequel will show that the enthusiasm manifested on the occasion was the result of an earnest conviction that, in this instance, the right man was in the right place.
(I will state in parenthesis that for several weeks previous Col. Smith had been separated from his command, engaged in superintending the repairs of the railroad leading from Nashville.)
His reception, as I have intimated already, was of the warmest and most cordial description. He made a few brief remarks, and off we started, arriving in Savannah about 8 o’clock in the evening. The scene here was indicative of the days struggle.
The final capture of the famous Washington battery, of New Orleans, which did so much damage to us at Bull Run, will send a thrill of pleasure through the heart of the Nation, and Ohio must feel proud of the brave men whose strong arms and stout hearts contributed so much to the achievement. Gen. Buell rode fearlessly along the lines throughout the day and [watched] with a keen eye our advance and capture of the battery. Gen Crittenden proved worthy of the confidence [reposed] in him, and our men desire no other to lead this division to battle. Acting Brigadier Gen. W. S. Smith commanding our brigade, the 14th, was the hero of this fight, however within the scope of my eye, and you must bear in mind that I am only describing this part of the great battle. Other and abler hands will doubtless attempt the whole. Believe me, however, that I make no invidious distinction in claiming this title for our brave commander. The officers and men of the 11th and 26th Kentucky Regiments, which, with the 13th Ohio, compose our brigade, all concede him this honor.
Seizing our beloved flag from the color bearer, he waved it over his head and with a few words of a kind to kindle the enthusiasm of the men he led the charge himself; mounted, and exposed to the terrible fire of the infuriated rebels, and with sword in hand, was the first to dash upon the battery and knock out the brains of one if not more, of the gunners with his sword. It is [in] scenes of this kind that we fully realize the force of individual character, in infusing multitudes with a spirit of daring that inspires each man to deeds of valor. Confident of success, they never stop to count the cost till the victory is won. Ours has not been cheaply bought; Major Runkel fell severely wounded, sword in hand, in the very front of the battle. Capts. Gardner and Henderson and Lieut. Lindenberg were also wounded while leading their men to victory. I will mention here for the comfort of the families and friends of the above named officers that their wounds, though sever and painful, are not dangerous.
Where all did so well it does not become me to speak of individual daring, but the conduct of our color-sergeant, Stone, deserves the highest praise, and this particular position, as the bear of our flag, enables me to speak his praise without even indirectly reflecting upon others, which the mention of officers of the same rank does, unless you praise them all.
Our loss is not more than two thirds of that of the enemy, and ours, in the two days, in killed alone, is estimated at three thousand.
We now hold a position three miles in advance of that occupied by us on Monday morning. But we do not regard the victory as decisive, although we believe the back-bone of their grand army to be broken.
Respectfully, T. B. G.
– Published in The Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio, Thursday, April 24, 1862
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