
Friday, November 13, 2009

The Storming of Ft. Pulaski

NEW YORK, April 18.

The Steamer McClellan arrived from Port Royal, 14th. The frigate Vermont was being towed in as the McClellan came out.

The following is an account of the capture of Fort Pulaski:

On the morning of the 10th, Gen. Gilmore sent to the Fort, demanding unconditional surrender. Col. Olmstead replied that he was there to defend, not to surrender, the Fort. Our batteries having fired a few rounds, shot away their flag, but it was replaced, and the firing kept up till sunset. Gen. Gilmore then placed a battery at Poat [sic] Point, only sixteen hundred yards from the Fort, to breach the walls, and commenced firing at midnight for that purpose with Parrott and James guns. On the morning of the 11th, two breaches were discovered on the south-east face of the Fort, which at noon assumed huge proportions; and about two o’clock the rebel rag was hauled down and the white flag displayed, and the fort surrendered – Col. Olmstead stating that it was impossible to hold out longer – our rifle shots reaching the magazine and most of his guns being disabled.

The 7th Connecticut regiment took possession that night.

The Union loss is one killed and one slightly wounded. The rebel loss is three badly wounded and 385 prisoners. One hundred and five prisoners are on board the McClellan in charge of Col. Morrill, aid to Gen. Hunter.

By the McClellan we learn that Jacksonville had been evacuated, and our troops arrived at Hilton Head on the steamer Cosmopolitan on the 15th.


The following was received at the War Department to-day, from Gen. Hunter, commanding in S. C.:

PORT ROYAL, April 17.

We opened our batteries on Ft. Pulaski on the morning of the 10th inst. After 30 hours continuous firing a practicable breach was made, and preparations for storming were about to commence, when the rebel flag was struck.

We have captured 47 guns, 7,000 shot and shell; 40,000 lbs. powder; [300] prisoners, with their small arms and accoutrements, and a good supply of provisions. One of our men was killed; none wounded.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, April 19, 1862, p. 1

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