
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

There is a strong probability that . . .

. . . the Army of the Potomac will go into winter quarters and leave the campaign to the armies of the West and South West. The Washington Republican and Chronicle, both of which are Administration papers, indicate this policy. The Republican of Dec. 17th says:

For ourselves we hope that as a few weeks will terminate the ordinary winter of this latitude, the army designed for defense of Washington will go at once into winter quarters. It may seem unnecessary, and too obvious a suggestion, that the season to go into winter quarters is winter. It is very easy for people in comfortable houses with warm fires and warm beds, to object to soldiers going into winter quarters. That sort of clamor kept our armies all last winter sickening and dying under tends, when they ought to have been hutted, as was done by the more sensible reb’s. It is in the South and South West and not in Virginia that the winter campaign can be conducted with advantage. At any rate it does not become those who sustained the inaction of our army during the pleasant months of fall, now to make hue and cry if it waits for weeks until winter breaks before undertaking active operations.

The Chronicle of the same date says:

If war should be successfully prosecuted in the Gulf States it would make but little difference [whether] the army of the Potomac does anything or not. The rebel army at Richmond would be cooped up, and would starve in two weeks, or else have to fight at a disadvantage. Our Progress down in Mississippi has frightened the rebel leaders, and they have sent Gen. Johnston out there to insure success.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, January 3, 1863

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