
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tribute to a Companion in Arms

MACON CITY, April 10, 1862

At a meeting of company C, 7th Cavalry regiment Missouri volunteers, held at their quarters, at Macon City, Mo., on the evening of the 9th inst., for the purpose of giving an expression in relation to the death of our fellow-soldier, George H. Emmerson; who was shot by rebels from the brush while in the discharge of his duty as a soldier, on the 8th of April 1862.

On motion of Sergeant Beckwith, a committee of five was appointed to prepare and present to the company such expression of sympathy as the occasion required, whereupon the committee through their chairman, reported the following resolutions:

Resolved, That in the death of our fellow-soldier, Geo. H. Emmerson, the country has lost a brave and faithful soldier, the company a generous companion, his mother a dutiful son, his brother and sisters an affectionate brother. He was always first in danger and brave to a fault, one that could be relied upon for his devotion to his country and companions.

Resolved, that the heartfelt sympathy of the members of company C, his late companions in arms, be tendered to his bereaved mother and other relatives in their deep affliction. He, like thousands of others, has been offered up on the altar of his country; he died in a noble cause, that of freedom and the suppression of this infamous rebellion.

Resolved, that a copy of the above resolutions be sent to his bereaved relatives, and copies sent to the Macon Gazette and Gate City, Keokuk, Iowa for publication.


– Published in The Gate City, Keokuk, Iowa, Tuesday, April 15, 1862

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