
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wounded Iowa Soldiers at Keokuk

(Special to the Hawk-Eye.)

KEOKUK, 23. – The following names are among those arrived here to-day from the battle field at Pittsburg Landing, by the steamer January:

Privates Jas Buckly, co B, 2d; H A Smalley, co I, do; C Carthers, co F, do; J A Dunlap do do; Geo Risner, co A, do; J. M Moles co A, 2nd; D A Seargent, co A, 2nd; H Harden, co. K, do; Jas Williams, co. B, do; S H Morgan, co. B, do; G T Husbard, co H, do; Geo H Watson, co. K, 3d Iowa; Corporal V R Rider, co. K, do; 1st Lieut W B Hamill, co. K, do; Orderly Gilbert H Pulver, co. K, do; Chas C Morilton, co. K, do, Albert C Smith, co. A, do; Jas Ruburn, co. H, do; Reuben Dick, co. G, do J Sheriden, co. D, do; G L Whight, co A, do; Z Armstrong, co D, do; Solomon A Lyon, co H, do; Jos W Hase, co E. Sixth Iowa – Captain F Brydolf, do; private Jas Kellogg, co E, do; W H Mulligan, co I, do; J J Corbly, co A, do; R Ross, co B, do; A J Kelley, co B, do; Natham P Hewett, co D. Seventh Iowa – Wm B A McKell, S M Piatt, co I, M A Eddy, W R Austin, co H Ed F Larning, co G, do; Jackson West, co G, do; J B Shipley, co C, do; Bruce Jarvis, co D do; Bemhart Deuse, co K, do; F M Edgar, co D, 11th; S N Rucker, do, do; Penthus A Shaw, co I, do; Wm H Gara, co I, do; Geo Wallcott, do; Corp W Rogers, co D, do; private Dan Bemhart, co H, do; 1st Lieut G W Lumberoker, co C, do; private Zeph Bell, co I, do; 1st Lieut W T Dagley, co K, do; private Jas Marsh, co B, do, John Millsop, co D, do; Chas Laporte, co D, do; Sergeant Bercher Chatfield, co D do;

The above wounded brave Iowaians [sic], with many others whose names cannot be ascertained to night, in time for telegraphing, are well cared for in comfortable quarters at the new Estes House. Many have already received forloughs [sic] and will leave for their homes to-morrow.

Adjutant Baker is very active at this post, doing everything possible, and he has a full corps of volunteer assistants who are rendering every aid necessary, and furnishing many delicacies and comforts to the wounded and sick. P.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday April 26, 1862, p. 3

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