SENATE. – The bill to establish a land office in Colorado was taken up and passed.
Mr. Hale, from special committee appointed in July last, to inquire into the question of the property of the Government at the Navy yards of Pensacola and Norfolk, and at the armory at Harper’s Ferry, made a voluminous report, which was ordered to be printed.
Mr. Chandler presented memorials from citizens of Michigan, in favor of confiscation of the property of the rebels and emancipation of their slaves.
The bill establishing an armed mail steamship line from San Francisco to Shanghai, touching at the Sandwich Islands and Japan, each vessel to be commanded by a Lieutenant of the Navy, was taken up.
Pending a vote on the bill the hour for the special order arrived, and Mr. Howard addressed the Senate on the bill to confiscate the property and free the slaves of rebels.
Mr. Fessenden opposed the bill. Pending a vote the senate adjourned till Monday.
HOUSE. – The House passed a bill, making further appropriations for certain civil expenditures, including half a million for completing the west wing of the treasury department.
The House then considered several private bills.
– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, April 19, 1862, p. 1
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