
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

By Telegraph

Afternoon Report.


Col. Reid Wounded!


Maj. Belknap Wounded!


Only 407 of the 15th Regiment answer to Roll-Call!


Prentiss did not Escape.


(Special to Chicago Tribune)

Cairo, April 13 – 10 P. M.

The body of General Wallace, of Ottawa, accompanied by his staff arrived on the steamer A. Woodford this evening. She brought down some 600 prisoners, on their way to St. Louis. A special train with the body of Gen. Wallace will leave this evening for Ottawa.

Col. H. T. Reid, 15th, Iowa, from Keokuk, was paralyzed by a ball in the back of his head. Lieut. Col. Dewey was badly wounded in the shoulder. Major Belknap was slightly wounded. Capt. Hedrick killed. His noble regiment had just arrived Saturday with 1,045 men. Only 407 answered their names after the battle. They had received their guns at St. Louis and left Keokuk only two weeks ago and were in Prentiss’s division.

An officer just arrived says that Prentiss is still a prisoner.

Nearly all of the 58th Illinois and the 12th, 14th and 8th Iowa regimentss were surrounded and taken prisoners while maintaining their ground and fighting like heroes. Col. Wood of the Iowa 12th escaped.

The 14th, 16th and 18th Wisconsin regiments were all in the fight. The 16th was in Prentiss’s division, and with others was mostly dispersed or captured. What remained fought bravely and suffered most terribly. The 18th reached Pittsburg Saturday evening, and marched to the front of Sherman’s divison, and were exposed Sunday to the heaviest fire, returning it with an energy worthy of veterans. This regiment was entirely raw, had been paraded only a few times; had been hurried down from Milwaukee right into the heat of the battle, and many had never loaded a gun until they did it before the enemy. All these regiments did splendidly. It is impossible as yet to procure a list of casualties.

Gov. Harvey and party, with a boatload of hospital stores, left this evening to relieve the wounded.

Col. Hicks of the 10th Illinois was shot through the shoulder; Lieut Holmes of Co. I, 48th Ills., killed; 13th Ohio, Co. F, wounded Capt. J. J. Gardner, slightly; Capt. Willey, shot in thigh; Adjt. Tancort, slightly wounded. 55th Illinois, Co C. 2nd Lieut. Theodore Parker Hodges; Capt. Boyd, Rockford, wounded slightly. 30th Indiana, Col. Boss, seriously wounded; half the regiment reported killed or wounded; fought bravely. 28th Illinois, Col. H. A. Johnson slightly wounded; Killed, Lieutenant Col. Kilpatick. Illinois 15th, Col. D. Stuart, shot through breast; wounded slightly, Capt. S. A. Wright, shot three times. 4th Illinois, wounded severely, Col. Hicks, Capt. Hooper, Lieut. Heamphry. Taylor’s battery: wounded 10; -- lost no guns. Col. Dickey’s cavalry had two privates mortally wounded. The whole regiment was on the field. Fifteen persons were killed.

The following is a list of Ill. Soldiers wounded at the battle of Pittsburgh in the Mound City Hospital: Lafayette Wilcox 53rd Ills., co. H, finger off; D. W. McCaughey, 55th Ills., co. F, right thigh, bad; Philip Faxerson 8th Ills. Company H, through left hand; Francis A. Hall, 28th Ky, co. H, wounded in left thigh; Samuel Claywell, 14th, wound in right arm; E. Mills, 7th Ills, co. H, left wrist; Mathew Doyle, 15th Ills., co. H, through the spine; Amnas Hilley, 30th Ills., co H, left hand; J. W. Shaw, 15th Ills., left leg below the knee; Cornelius Dethrow, 12th Ills., co. H, right knee; A. B. Parker, 15th, co. B, left leg broken; Vanwinkle, Sargeant Major, 3d, right thigh, deep flesh wound; Malton T. Harns, 32d co. A, through the left lung; Cyrus Bonham 57th, shot in left knee; Samuel Miller, fore finger from right hand; Simon Shillinger, 9th, co. B, shot in right shoulder; James Hobbs, 9th, co. F, through leg and right arm; Geo. Lagbetter, 3d, shot between the shoulders; Thos. H. Boyd, 48th, co. D, left thigh and hip; James Kenny, 15th, co. E, wounded in left knee; Fred. Hammen, co I, 11th, right side and bruised in back; Wm H. Tell, 11th, co. G, left leg and shoulder; Richard Ruke, 57th, co. I, through the jaw; Martin Arnold, 9th, co. B, foot; Adam Reitz, 9th, co. D, shoulder; Andrew Robertson, 14th, co. A, shot thro’ right foot; Moses Parker, 15th, co. H, in right ankle; Moses Montgomery, 15th, co. I, in left shoulder; W. A. Long, 15th, co. H, right thigh and foot; S. Wickliff, 50th, co. K, arm broke thro’ left shoulder; Andrew Sebastian Seigt, 9th, co. A, left knee; Owen Tenant, 15th, co. G, left arm; Edwin C. Wheelock, 15th, Co. I, shot in right side; E. Hog, 41st, Co. H, left arm; Abel H. Bonneth, 15th Co, C, left hip; James H. Brown, 40th, Co. B, left leg off below the knee; Bailey Fred. Tenser, 15th, Co. H, through the knee; Hampden N. Cotten, O. S. 15th, co. C, left hand and hip; Ephraim Lake, 15th, Co. C, above and below left leg in front; Wm. H. Law, Serg’t, 15th, Co. C, left leg at ankle; Ambrose E. Partit, O. S. 55th, Co. C, left arm near shoulder; F. Benjamin, 55th Co. C, left arm above elbow, flesh; Michael Amaborny, 55th, co. C, right leg at knee; Chas. B. Danforth, 4th cavalry, left side of [head]; J. Richardson, 14th, Co. B, in the eye; Wm. Eaje, 18th, Co. F, left ear; Dan Calmer, 4th cavalry, Co. H, left legg off; J. L. Staffeen, 29th, Co. C, left side arm and thigh; Leig, 17th, Co. M, right shoulder broken; Andrew G. Johnson, 18th, Co. B, left knee; Martin Shive, 2d cavalry, Co. M; Ditiner, 45th, Co. B, left leg at knee; Henry D Wood, 34th, Co. D, left arm below elbow, James Martin, 57th, Co. C, right shoulder, and side; Chester Plummer, 57th, Co. K,, left hip; John P. Beck, 57th, Co. K, thigh; Elijah Blackman, 46th, Co. H.; in head; Monroe Cook, 46th, Co. H, right arm; Thomas J. Elvord, 55, Co. A, through the thigh; Wm. Windle, 46th, Co. D, left shoulder out at breast; Wm. A. Smith, 41st, Co. A, leg off at knee; James W. Dickerson, 41th, Co. I, right cheek; John Lohr, 45th, Co. B, left shoulder; Noble Sanford, 45th, Co. B, though right hand; James Williams, 15th, Co. F, through left foot; Hugh Donnelly, 32d, Co. A, left shoulder; Wm. Wheeler, 29th, co. H, groin, Edward Hawkins, 52d, Co. F, arm and other small wounds; L. Fuller, 43d, Co. G, left arm, Mike Cronin, 57th, Co. K, in the knee; Andrew Hammond, 15th, rheumatism; David Tibbs, 43th, Co. I, shot in left eye; Alvey Stewart, 34th, Co. D, in left leg; McComb, 28th, Co. A, right leg; Co. A, right leg; James Kinny, 28th, Co. A, breast and arm; Jacob Rickelson, 27th, Co. F, right thigh and hand; John Kinman, 28th, Co. I, in the ankle; Ferdinand Bower, 58th, through right knee; W. J. Smith, 49th, Co. D, right thigh, hip and left arm; Jno. Fitzsimmons, 28th, Co. B, thigh; Wm. Illsley, 9th, Co. H, right leg, above knee; S. Waughtzon, 45th, Co. C, right shoulder and arm, badly; Jas. Murphy, [6]th, Co. G., both thighs, slightly; Major L. Holt, 43d, Co. C, right arm and hand; Henry Kobbening, 28th, Co. A, left knee; Richard Lynch, 28th, Co. A, left thigh; John Nash, 28th, Co. A, Henry Keith, 28th, Co. A, right elbow; Geo. Lanham, 28th, Co. A, below right ear; Wm. Dollar, 28th, Co. H, in abdomen; James Hendricks, 28th, in abdomen; Orlando Bridgman, 11th, Co. D, left sholder; Byron Parkhurst, 11th, Co. C, in both legs; F. Childers, 8th, Co. G, in ankle; James Bogby, 28th, Co. B, right thigh; Joseph Ray, 41st, Co. A, left hand; Andrew Olenhausen, O. S., 46th, Co. C, in arm; Quincy Pollock, 46th, Co. A, O. S., thigh; Franklin Smith, 46th, Co. A, right ankle; George Crabtree, 11, Co. C, Harris Hackeny, 41st, Co. H, in thigh; John Smith, 15th, Co. E, in both thighs; H. Walker, 28th, Co. I, shot in the neck; W. T. Williams, 1st Corporal, 58th, Co. C, right arm shot off at elbow; Fred Sheve, 9th, Co. C, right and left hip; J. S. Denavee, 32d, Co., I, left thigh; James Gardner, 28th, Co. K, thigh and leg; Thomas B. Hogg, 52d, Co. F, through left foot; Captain Wm. Tenny, 46th, Co. G, left Cheek; David Lucas, 2Jd [sic], Co. F, left cheek; C. Cennicke, 57th, Co. F, in ribs, back and right side; Thomas P. Paxton, 45th, Co., F, left knee, Augustus Whalen, 3d Cav., through neck; T. F. Lewis, 8th Iowa, Co. D, in the neck; S. F. Sellers, 48th, Ills, Co. H, 1st Lieut, in knee and groin; G. W. Wooster, 52d, Co. K, Corporal, right thigh; Peter Woolf, Dresser’s Artillery, 1st Ills., shot in breast; Fred Strop, 9th, Co., A, across back. Edwin Naie, 9th, Co. H, right thigh; Fred Bartlesson, Major 2d Cav., left arm cut off; Alonzo Ramsey, 1st artillery, co. D, ankle; Walker Richmond, 72d O., Co. G, left arm at elbow; Thomas O’Flinn, 52nd Ills., Co. G, right leg above knee; Joseph Mowruy, 12th, H, right legg [sic] at knee; Silas Riggs, 40th, E, Left thigh; Earnest Kimble, 43d, B, right leg at knee; Adam Shutz, 43d, A, left knee; Joseph Brothers, 32d, E, hip; Mat. Hughes, 32d, E, leg, thigh and through the back; Henry Hartline, 19th, I, head; A Keler, 11th, C, right arm; Elias Challoff, 11th, C, right shoulder; David B. Smith, 25th, H, in shoulder; Jas. Eaton, 29th, I right arm at elbow; Hiram V Sanders, 12th, E, right foot; Geo. Steinburger, 12th, B, left leg below knee; C. F. Mount, 40th, I, right leg bleow knee; Nathaniel Perry, 8th, H, right leg below knee; Martin Baker, 40th, E, chest; H. Fuller, 20th, H, both legs, Geo. K. Logan, 8th, F, right side; Jas. E. Dast, 12th, E, left hip; Robt. Ramsey, 9th, K, left ankle and right leg; Joseph Norton, Sr., 15th, I, left thigh; Richard Brown, 15th, B, left leg and knee and left shoulder; Stephen Boher, 8th, H, in left hand; Samuel G. Comert, 1st artillery, shot in right thigh; Dr. Frank Reiily, Asst. Surgeon, 45th, through leg; Allen C. Waterhouse, 1st artillery, E, in thigh; james Weddon, 55th, 1st Lieut., in thigh; Geo. H. Haler, 15th, K, left shoulder; Reuben Bruckern, 40th, G, right arm broken.

– Published in The Gate City, Keokuk, Iowa, Tuesday, April 15, 1862

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