
Sunday, December 13, 2009

From Fort Pillow

FORT PILLOW, April 22. – The Rain has ceased and the sun shines for the first time in a week.

For three days not a gun has been heard in this vicinity, both commandants being to save their powder until something can be accomplished by its destination. This lull may presage a storm to come, though at present that storm seems far distant.

The enemy are reported to have 14 gunboats off the Fort, together with the Manassas Ram – the latter and seven of the former having arrived on Sunday.

Hollins [sic] has returned from New Orleans with the McCrea.

The Decota to-day takes one hundred bales of cotton to Cairo, the first shipment up the Mississippi river since the breaking out of hostilities:. There is reported to be much more in this vicinity

– Published in The Burlington Weekly-Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 3

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