
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New York Items

NEW YORK, April 18.

It is stated that the Nashville has not only changed her name, but hoisted English colors, and her assorted cargo consists of arms brought to Nassau from London by the English steamer Southwick, which were purchased by rebels in England. She sailed on the 6th.

The Steamer Economist arrived at Nassau on the 6th from Charleston, with eleven hundred bales of cotton. Nassau papers to the 5th state that the steamer Wragg, late the Nashville from Charleston, arrived there Sunday, March 20th. It is stated she had been purchased by a private company.

The rebel account of the Merrimac’s success in Hampton Roads were received there by the Nashville, concluding with stating that the Merrimac cannot be boarded, as she throws a large stream of boiling water. – Also that she is probably now at sea running down the southern coast.

The Nashville cleared on the 5th for St. John’s, N. B., under the name of Thomas L. Wragg, with an assorted cargo.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, April 19, 1862, p. 1

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