
Sunday, January 3, 2010

By Telegraph

(Reported expressly for the Gazette.) THE WAR NEWS. Important Movements looked for on the Mississippi. Appropriation for the Steven’s Battery. Increased Efficiency of the Medical Department. The Rebel Force at Yorktown Exaggerated. AN ATTACK SOON TO BE MADE BY McCLELLAN. FEDERAL LOSS BY THE DESTRUCTION OF NORFOLK NAVY YARD. HIGH WATER AT CAIRO.


From Cairo. Correspondence of the Missouri Republican. CAIRO, April18. A Gentleman just from Pittsburg reports all the wounded taken away from that point. A skirmish took place at Savannah on Wednesday, between a detachment of our cavalry and a rebel picket guard; which were posted uncomfortable near, and very strong. The rebels were driven back, having 5 killed, 65 wounded. Refugees report that the rebels are fortifying at Lick Creek, half way to Corinth and strengthening their works at Corinth. Some state that trains are arriving and bring fresh troops through; while others say they are sending off stores preparatory to evacuation. CAIRO, April 18. The steamers Minnehaha and T. J. Patten were fired into by the rebels yesterday while ascending the Tennessee with troops. Upon the former one man was killed and one severely wounded. The Patten was uninjured. The Troops on the Minnehaha landed and burned a row of wooden buildings near which the firing originated upon the bluff in the rear, rebel guerillas were plainly visible in the interstices of the trees. Matters at Pittsburg drag their slow length along without perceptible change. We are gradually moving into the interior. Slowly, but surely, we advance and hold our positions. No more such Bull Run panics as characterized the fated Sabbath; and let us pray no more such slaughters. Ten Irish residents of Southern Illinois were arrested and brought into Paducah to-day, for preaching rebellion to the Egyptians. The will speedily be mad examples of. Captain Ferris of the 15th Illinois, died to-day at Paducah from the effects of a gunshot wound received at Pittsburg. Gen. Mitchell has burned the bridge across the Tennessee river at Decatur, Alabama, over which the Charleston and Memphis railroad passes, and thus effectually closed a rebel channel of communication eastward, whence the rebels have drawn liberally for troops and supplies. He has also burned the railroad bridge at Florence. He is now at Iuka, Miss. Recent intelligence from Corinth confirms previous reports of the magnitude of the enemy’s force and character of the efforts he has made to resist the onward march of the Federal army. A desperate stand will be made there, and our people must be prepared to hear of a terrible decimation of our troops. Gen. Halleck is cool and cautions, and will achieve success. The fight will commence soon. The steamer Planet arrived at Paducah this morning with the 71st Ohio, en route for Fort Donelson. This is one of the Regiments that ran so disgracefully at Pittsburg. Special to the Chicago Times. River rising very fast and has already attained a very [remarkable] height. It is up to the works of the break which flooded Cairo a few years since. It is over forty feet above low water mark. Great preparations are being made in anticipation of the water breaking through the levee. We have no special news from the Tennessee. Gen. Halleck has sent down an order prohibiting all civilians, including nurses, and the swarm of volunteer philanthropists who are seeking the battle-ground to gratify curiosity merely, from leaving Cairo. The wounded will be down here before the nurses can get up to savannah, and the other class are not wanted at all. What advices we have agree in saying that Gen. Halleck is infusing his masterly spirit of order and discipline into the army, and the belief that his strategic genius and executive ability will constituted a sure guard against future surprises, grows stronger every day. Rebel accounts state that Beauregard and the other leaders have become more cautious and less sanguine as these facts dawn upon them. Their soldiers will not flinch in the coming battle, as they have all been under fire now, which constitutes the hardening process. Those who retreated [in the Federal Army] were raw recruits, who had never been within sound of a gun. There were at one time ten thousand of them huddled on the river bank, whom blows, persuasion or curses would not move. An officer told me that in his excitement and indignation he could have seen the artillery turned on the solid mass of terror-stricken humanity without the least compassion. The movement on the Mississippi is deemed contraband. Important events will be looked for in that direction before long. Island No. 10 is occupied by Col. Buford, who has lately been promoted to a Generalship. Our gunboats had a brief engagement with four rebel gunboats on Sunday. Some dozen or more shots were exchanged and a shell exploded close over the Benton. No damage was done, and the rebel boats lost no time in retiring. Arrival of the pirate Sumter Prisoners. BOSTON, April 18. Thos. T. Tansall, late U. S. Consul at Tangier, and Mr. Myers, purser of the pirate Sumter, arrested at Gesiras, Morocco, arrived here today in the bark Harvest Home, to which they were transferred from the gunboat John. The prisoners were in irons, which were removed by order of Marshal Keyes, and they were sent to Ft. Warren to await instructions from the government. NEW YORK, April 19. The schr. John Roe at this port, reports, March 14th, 5 p.m., off Savannah, passed a propeller showing English colors, and after hauling them down, ran up the rebel flag. She was steering in the direction of Bermuda. – Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 21, 1862, p. 1

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