
Saturday, January 16, 2010

From Capt. Williams' Company

We have been kindly permitted to make use of a letter received by a gentleman of this city from Mr. A. S. Collins, of Benton Co., a Member of Co. D, 16th regiment (Capt. Williams). As there are a number of Scott County men in the company, we published the following extract, which may be of interest to some of their friends. The letter is dated April 8th. The writer says:

“Our company went into the fight with 42 men. One was killed, and I believe ten wounded. Our friend Willard was suffering from rheumatism, and was not in the battle. Corporal Cutting is killed and David Holcomb wounded – not seriously. Sergt. Crooks, color-bearer, is either killed or seriously wounded. The wounded in our company form Davenport are: Harry H. Bowling, seriously; Danl. Madden, in the leg; Ninian Lindsay was stunned by a cannon ball or shell and knocked down. He is considerably sore, but not seriously hurt. I was twice wounded – in the right arm and left thigh – no bones broken; both balls are in my body; rather uncomfortable flesh wounds, but not serious ones. * * * I presume I shall see some of your people here shortly to look after the wounded. I assure you there is a great need of their being attended to and taken home.”

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, April 22, 1862, p. 1

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