
Saturday, January 30, 2010

From Fort Monroe

FORT MONROE, April 21.

A flag of truce was received to-day.

A Petersburg paper of to-day says that the rebel Senate has refused to concur in the House resolution for adjournment. The same paper also contains a report of a repulse of a Federal force, under Gen. Burnside, at Elizabeth City. It is stated that the Federal Troops, 5,000 strong, attempted to land there, and were repulsed with a loss of 500 killed by a confederate force of 1,000 including a Georgia regiment. The rebel loss in killed is stated at 15, including Captain McComin and Lieut. Wilson, both of a Georgia regiment. A report of the same fight to the same effect was current at Norfolk last night.

There is nothing new from Yorktown except that matters are progressing satisfactorily.

The weather is still bad.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday morning, April 23, 1862, p. 1

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