
Monday, January 11, 2010

The Killed and Wounded in the 13th Iowa Regiment



Co A – Benj. McAferty; Geo M Doty; Allen O Brown; J A Runnel.

Co B – Lieut E D Duncan; Sergt N H Johnson; Wm Hart; W H Knapp; W H Brierly; Geo McKeever; A P Easterly.

Co C – Corp F D Holmes; A Malone; C L Dooley; Jesse Wells.

Co D – Geo Sickey.

Co E – Corpl John Melton; Silas D Allen.

Co G – Samuel Martin.

Co H – Corpl C Van Voores; Lieut N Willey.

Co I – Jos Parker; J P Ailworth.

Co K – David Knaus.


Field Officers – Lieut Col M Murat Price; Maj John Shane; Surgeon Jos McKee.

Capt T H Miller; Lieuts E Schurtz; Jno Watson, S J Hampton, S D Cook, D B Sherman; Corpls J R McLarkey, John C Masson, Jas S Brooks, R W Vansant, Henry J Russell; Sergts J M Vincent, Wesley Huff, Ed Essex; Corpl T H Millner, Sergts R F Law, A J Pope; Corpl R I Martin; Sergts T J Graham, D J Randall, T H Mountz; Corpl A J French; Sergts Niece McAllister, T I Tyengenfered, Jacob Bomderhopper; Corporals A G Wood, Jonas Gauley, Newell N C Reys; Sergt W I Beatty; Corpl T Watkins; James Coates, Wm E Hawthorn, J M Emily, W H Bucham, J Bullington, J W Boyd, J O Hampton, J M Hopper, T O Harmon, J M Sargeant, C A Myers, W A Norris, J E Neale, A B Smith, J R Shaver, F A Vernor, M J Munslea, Wm H Hinkley, W Avenentral, Jos Bonkerd, Angus French, S Hughes, M Longsden, Silas Potting, Clay Rieners, C M Wolfe, Wm A Wadkins, W Young, B Batteler, J V Munger, John Hall, J P Martin, W M Alexander, J Sterley, J O Deval, R Caparcy, L Ford, D B Smith, A T Edwards, J M Wawloff, O W Bount, L Carter, N V Curtis, W Delton, F F Fleming, A Frityler, W Johnson, W E Johnson, J W Jacobs, C C McIntosh, N W Mintier, E Robinson, A Starben, J Galiger, G McRineter, D C Oliver, H Price, J A Thompson, J H Work, W Coveter, C Agens, W Jackson, E Coffey, C L Brackman, W Cline, E Nance, D Lumice, R Duncan, J Deerth, D Merchant, C Martin, O Schoonan, Geo W Black, S Hanna, P H Mahoney, A B McKeen, N N Adams, J M Little, R Blener, T Elder, T C Foy, John McCall, Jas Delong, S Havtyler, H Nickolds, S S Pollard, R R Case, C R Benton, T H Elrod, J W Farley, J Ogden, J J Thompson, F G Chesley, R F Ryler, J W Dresser, J W Pierson, J N Howell, M Kelly, O McCreath, M T Snyder, S Beek, W Brown, O C Moses, B F Lamb, John Law, S Gorgown, A J Lane.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 21, 1862, p. 2

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