
Friday, January 1, 2010

Local Matters

Those beautiful Spring Goods going cheap at Whistlers.

ACCIDENT TO THE KATE CASSEL. – On Thursday morning last the Kate Cassel broke her shaft while near Keokuk. This accident will throw her out of the regular line of packets for some time to come.

THE money and articles brought in from Liberty township by Mr. Graham as noticed Saturday, were all donations from Liberty township alone. None of that lot came from Cedar county.

KEHOE AND CARHART will open this Monday morning a large lot of Spring and Summer Shawls, Cloaks, Sacques, Dress Goods, Parasols, Hose and Half Hose and Gloves. Also the Imperial Patent Clasp Hoop Skirt and the Excelsior, both warranted to be the latest style and the best [malte].

ELEGANT AND SERVICEABLE. – These are the characteristics of Farrand’s hats. They not only look handsome, but retain their beauty, and are not spoiled in the first shower. All the latest and most desirable styles of hats or caps constantly on hand at Farrand’s, opposite LeClaire House.

TRAINS DETAINED. – The western train was two hours behind time Saturday evening. The cars ran off the track in the lower part of the city; no damage done. The train from Chicago broke down near Sheffield the same evening, and it also arrived behind time some hours.

WARRINER’S new stock of boots and shoes has arrived. If you want to buy cheap, go to the first door above the post office. *

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 21, 1862, p. 1

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