
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Local Matters

NEW cassimeres and vestings just received at Erskine’s. Go and See them.

IF YOU want good ready made clothing call at Erskine’s.

ALL those wishing to get their money’s worth of good and choice goods, go to Whistlers.

THE WEATHER. – The beautiful weather of yesterday was about the first good day for farmers’ work the present season, and we have do doubt they took the biggest advantage of it, to make up for lost time.

JUST RECEIVED – Fort Doneslon, Monitor and Burns, de stiff brims. Soft hats and caps in great variety. Call on Farrand, corner of 2d and Main streets, and examine the assortment.

LITTLE CHILDREN. – Dow & Co. have the prettiest assortment of children’s shoes in Davenport. Mothers of taste should not fail to see them, if they do not purchase. No trouble to show goods.

THE MARKET CASE. – The long-standing contest, in which the city is defendant, relative to the market houses, was yesterday decided by the Supreme Court favorably to the City.

THE New building for Mr. D. Moore’s bakery, on Front street near Perry, is getting along finely. The side walls are to be of stone, the end of brick, and they are about ready to receive the joists for the second floor. The building will be three stories high, and one of the finest on that street.

STATE HAHNEMANN ASSOCIATION. – Notices have been issued in Dubuque, calling a convention to be held in Davenport on the 21st proximo, to for and Iowa Hahnemann Association. The Times says that the call is quite numerously signed and from the enthusiasm manifested and the character of those whose names are appended to it, no doubt a large meeting will obtain. The inaugural address will be delivered by Dr. E. A. Guilbert of Dubuque.

IF Davenport and Rock Island will put their shoulders to the wheel, and help to extend the Peoria railroad to some point on the Burlington and Chicago road, it will be of more essential service to both cites than anything they have done for the past five years. It can be done easily and cheaply, if the business men will work together and make the effort. Then Davenport and Rock Island could get freights either way at low figures. What do you say, Mr. GAZETTE? – R. I. Argus.

We are in favor of anything and everything that is right and proper which has a tendency to advance the interests of our citizens. Another outlet to Chicago would certainly be very desirable, and competition would no doubt reduce the price of freights, which would be to the direct advantage of our citizens. By all means put through the other route, neighbor, and if we can be of any assistance we will render it with pleasure.

DIAPHANOTYPES. – This is the name applied to the splendid colored photographs now being taken in this city at Morse’s Gallery by Mr. W. A. Watt. We examined some specimens yesterday and pronounce them altogether superior to anything of the kind we ever have seen. For beauty and correctness they cannot be excelled, while in the rich gilt, oval frames in which he places them they make a splendid parlor ornament. Mr. Watt will remain with us no longer than this week, unless he finds it impossible to finish the orders he has had.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 23, 1862, p. 1

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