
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Recognition of Rebel Officers

The Pittsburg correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, Thus gives the manner in which a couple of distinguished rebel “Johnstons” were recognized:–


Albert Sidney Johnston’s body was not found till Monday evening, was first recognized by Brigadier-General Nelson, who had known him when the one was an honored officer in the old army and the other a lieutenant of the navy. Prisoners had been telling of his death, and describing him as dressed in a velvet suit, and when such a corpse was found inquiries were naturally made as to who knew Johnson [sic]. Gen. Nelson was sent for. He at once declared indeed the dead Commander-in-Chief, and had the body removed to his own tent. Gen. Rousseau was subsequently sent for, and he two [sic] recognized the features. Capt. Chandler, of the regular army did the same; and strangely enough there was a wagon-master there who had been one of Johnston’s teamsters in the famous Utah expedition, who likewise remembered the appearance of the Chief he had followed on that disastrous march to the Rocky Mountains.


As a party of our officers were riding over the field on Tuesday, they found a person of more than ordinary intelligence among the wounded. He was dressed in plain citizens’ clothes, but there seemed no reason to doubt that he had been actively engaged in the battle, and that in all probability he was an officer of some rank. The officers were called up to see if he could be identified. Singling out Gen. McD. McCook from the party, the wounded man asked that he might be permitted to see him alone. The rest retired, and a conversation, lasting for some little time, followed between the two. After the interview Gen. McCook explained that the wounded man was George W. Johnston [sic], “Provincial Governor of Kentucky,” who had set in motion at Russellville the bogus Confederacy, and serving as Aid, I believe, on the Generals Staff. He had made some personal requests, the “Governor” was severely wounded in two [places]. He received every surgical attention; but the next day died.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 21, 1862, p. 2

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