
Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hiram Price, Esq., returned home yesterday morning from Pittsburg Landing, where he spent a number of days among the wounded. Mrs. Col. Hall also arrived yesterday morning from the Tennessee river. Mrs. Hall has seen more of the battlefield than often falls to the lot of her sex, having been in the tent with her husband when the 11th regiment was attacked, a portion of the volley even entering the tent. Acting under instructions Mrs. H. immediately started for the landing, three miles distant, where she arrived in safety. Col. Hall was wounded, and lost his horse, saddle, pistols, &c., and had a second horse killed under him early in the fight, but remained on the field all day and night of Sunday. The wound was so much swollen that it was necessary to cut his boot to get it off, but he suffered only a temporary inconvenience.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, April 22, 1862, p 1

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