
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Trinity Church

Last Sunday being Easter, was appropriately observed in the Catholic and Episcopal churches of this city. At Trinity church the usual services for the occasion were had, under the direction of the Rector. The singing was very good, consisting in part of several difficult musical compositions, such as Jackson’s Te Deum arranged by Dr. Hodges, and the Deus Misereautur by an amateur composer. In the afternoon the Sunday-school children had their usual Easter exercises, consisting of a short sermon to the children and the distribution of presents. The scholars were very prompt and correct in their answers to the questions propounded, and reflected great credit on the ability and faithfulness of their teachers, and their superintendent, Mr. W. T. Ross. The Sunday-school has a well selected library, to which have been added since Christmas about 250 volumes. There is also a parish library of about 400 volumes, accessible to all the members of the congregation. Yesterday the annual election of vestrymen resulted in the choice of the following persons: J. S. Seymour, T. D. Eagal, John E. Henry, John M. Adler, J. W. Churchill, T. J. Saunders, Robt. Sickels and Ebenezer Cook.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, April 22, 1862, p. 1

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