
Thursday, February 4, 2010

From Cairo

Special to Evening Journal.

The water has come to a stand, and fears for the present safety of the levee are allayed. Great consternation has prevailed until this morning. It has rained big guns for a week. To-day it is balmy and fair as May.

Gen. Strong detailed thirty box cars and an engine for the use of the poor, and all the vessels in port for relief and protection of the levee and property of soldiers and citizens, on Sunday.

An unusual amount of drunkenness and fighting has disgraced the city for a few days past. Yesterday provost marshal Merrill hauled up 16 of those detected in open violation of orders, and has dealt with them as deserters. He will do his duty as an officer.

A bold attempt at kidnapping a negro who claimed to be a free man, was made here yesterday. Four men captured him at the brewery, hauled him waist deep through water to a warfboat, where a woman was in waiting to claim him. The men said they had authority from the Provost Marshal for the arrest, which was false. When this was made known to the Marshal he went in search, but learned the negro had been released. No such work will be done by Capt. M. except under strict conformity with his official duties.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 23, 1863, p. 1

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