
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

List of Killed and Wounded of 8th Iowa Infantry in the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, April 6th, 1862


Co A – Nelson Howard, Geo Heller, Augustus Haun.

Co B – Robt Moody, Wm Penrose, Zalmon W Kelly.

Co C – James H Young.

Co D – Samuel Smith.

Co E – Jno H. Patterson, J C Finley, Joseph Conwell, J F Woodward.

Co F – Capt Wm F Hogan, Geo Johnson, Calvin L Bland Jas Carlyle, Timothy Hensley, Thos V Lane, Jno D Monical, Wm M Torrence.

Co G – W Pratt Bush, Thos F Greenlee, Jas Paterson.

Co H – Isaac Noel, Jeremiah Patrie.

Co I – Thos R Robb, Jno Badger, Henry C Gordon, Chas M Lane, Jno Murphy.

Co K – A C Heinsecker, Jno McQueen, A Tompkins.

Total, 33.


Co A – Danl Welsh, Jno R McDougal, Jerome Lucas, Alex H Swearengen (since died).

Co B – Lieut E Tichenor, Jno Tichenor, Jno Christian, Luther McCullough, Jacob Walker, Rudolph Murray, Jno A Rown, Wilbur R Lockwood,, Whittaker Jaynes, Wm C Logan, Wm H Golden, Hiram Barber, S A Walker, Henry Somman, Jno Moody, Amos Merritt, Christopher Quinn, Christian Lemberg, N Frylinger, Orlando R Fiske, J Newton Pursell.

Co C – David J Palmer, Jas Marshall, David Parish.

Co D – Jas Gardner, Julius Gardner, Leonard Blakesley, Mason Ogan, Jon A Angler.

Co E – B F Wolf, J R Pearsall, B F Banty, W McFarland, M H Dean, Wm Wolf, Albert Bremer, Lemuel Kincade, Frank McConnell, Sabine Fowler, F M Baufman (since died.)

Co F – Robt D Hagin, Wm Conger, Benj F Cox, Geo W Hodson, Wm Kreger, Wm W Cronkrite, Saml M Shrekley, Benj F Stevenson, Adolph Sieble, Isaac M Williams.

Co G – John Johnson, Jonathan Sprague, Jacob Harr, Geo W O’Neal.

Co H – Capt Fred S Palmer, Lieut D G Craigle, Lt Chas Wells, Jacob Fredericks, Jonathan Platz, Elias M Blizzard, Jacob L Billings, Marion F Crull, Luther Colwin, Henry H Lower, Chas McDevitt, Stephen D Rohrer, Solomon Wilcox, Merton D Groves, Joseph F Lyon.

Co I – Chas E Fox.

Co K – Lieut W T Hayes, G McHenry, Saml Reynolds, L Thorp, Edgar Brass, Michael M Ryan, Geo Beck, John L Guthrie, Edward Groves, M Littleton, J Story, A Vandervort.

Total 86.

Yours, &c.,
Chaplain 8th Iowa Infantry.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 24, 1862, p. 2

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