
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Local Matters

R. KRAUSE, No. 36 West Second street, has a splendid assortment of cloths, cassimeres and vestings, and Mr. Shatzer is always on hand to cut a fashionable garment.

TRAVEL to Le Claire has been resumed by the indefatigable Jones. Navigation between here and the Republic is improving, and in no place is the road more than hub deep.

ILL. – Mr. Chas. H. Eldridge, Postmaster, has been confined to his room for a number of days by illness. He is now recovering, and we hope will be about in a few days.

THE CONTINENTAL MONTHLY for the month of May is already received. It is an excellent number, and contains some capital papers. It may be had at the bookstores.

ADJOURNED. – The Supreme Court adjourned yesterday afternoon. The next term of the Court will be held at Des Moines in June. Judge Lowe left town yesterday. The others will probably leave for home this morning.

THE WEEKLY GAZETTE in wrappers can be had this morning at the counting room. It contains particulars of the battle of Pittsburg with lists of killed and wounded. Send them to your friends in the East and show them that Iowa had a hand in that battle and nobly did her duty.

HOUSES TO RENT. – There is constant inquiry for houses to rent in the business portion of the city. Almost any reasonable number could now be rented at fair rates. Those who have unproductive lots should build and supply the demand, and at the same time increase their income.

OFF FOR THE LAND OF GOLD. – Messrs. L. M. Webber, S. R. King, Louis Hebert and J. A. Le Claire, of this city, and W. D. Welch of Rock Island, leave this week for the gold regions about the head waters of the Missouri and Columbia rivers. Messrs. Webber and Welch leave this morning for St. Louis, whence they take boat up the Missouri. The others will follow in a day or two.

THE TELEGRAPH. – On last Tuesday the papers of this city received only a few paragraphs of news, the complaint being that the rain prevented the transmission of news. On the same day the Burlington Hawkeye received two columns of telegraph news. Now we would inquire if the same rains would not effect the telegraph wires on that rout has much as they did on this, or are these wires more susceptible of atmospheric changes?

THE PHILADELPHIA PRESS. – We have neglected to direct attention to an advertisement in our paper of the Press, published at Philadelphia, by John W. Forney, Esq. We can commend this paper to every one wishing a solid, sound and ably conducted newspaper. Mr. Forney is one of the soundest journalists in our country and everything that comes from his pen is worth of attentive perusal and close consideration.

WE NOTICED yesterday, in passing down Fourth street, at the residence of Mr. McChesney, between Rock Island and Perry street, what we suppose to be a ‘Sand Hill Crane.’ Said bird, whatever may be his species, appeared to be quite at home, strutting around in lordly style and looking down with evident contempt upon ordinary domestic fowls.

MR. JOHN P. BEAN, who for the last five years has been engaged in the boot and shoe trade of this city, left with his family last evening for Peoria, Ill., where he proposes to prosecute the same branch of trade. While we regret to [loose] a good citizen and an active upright business man, we congratulate the citizens of Peoria on this acquisition. The will soon learn the esteem of Mr. B. for his many good qualities.

AN INJUNCTION. – We met Judge Grant yesterday while in search of Capt. Hendershott, intending to levy an injunction on him to restrain him from selling the structures on the Fair Ground. Of course the Captain is but acting in the strict discharge of his duty, but if there be a legal way of preventing the sale of those buildings for the benefit of the General Government, it should be done, and if there is anybody that understands the nature of an injunction it is Judge Grant.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 24, 1862, p. 1

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