GENTLEMEN get your clothing made at Erskine’s.
A NEW lot of Ready Made Clothing for sale very cheap at Erskine’s.
GONE HOME. – Chief Justice Baldwin and Judge Wright, with a number of the lawyers who have been attending the Supreme Court, left yesterday morning on the steamboat Jennie Whipple for their respective homes.
IT IS a true saying, and worthy of all acceptance, that Farrand, Cor. Of 2d and Main sts., Davenport, has the best stock of hats and caps in the western country. His hats are all neat and serviceable. He keeps constantly on hand all the latest and most desirable styles, which he is selling cheap for cash. For the proof of this give him a trial.
IOWA STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. – The annual meeting of this Society will take place at Iowa City on Wednesday, May 28th. The county societies are requested to make the proper effort to secure a full attendance, and all members of the profession in the state having the requirements, are invited to meet and become members of the Association
MERRY’S MUSEUM. This excellent magazine for the young has enjoyed a deserved popularity for the past twenty-one years. It is filled with choice stories, essays, instructive articles on natural history and other sciences of peculiar interest to the young, games, puzzles, &c., and embellished with beautiful pictures illustrative of its topics. Terms $1 a year in advance. Address J. N. Stearns, publisher, 111 Fulton street, New York city. We advised every parent and teacher send for it.
GRAPES. – There appears to be a perfect furore [sic] for the new sort of grape vines. Let us urge cultivators not to neglect the older and well tried varieties. Almost every kind has its peculiar desirable qualities. Study all these advantages, and don’t confine your view to only one or two qualities. While early maturity and delicious flavor will and ought to insure favor for vines with these characteristics, the keeping qualities are almost equally valuable. Now, the old Isabella can be kept without difficulty until February and March. As much cannot be said of either the Clinton or Catawba, and perhaps of hardly any other variety. Let our readers bear this in mind, and act accordingly.
ADVERTISING. – Our contemporary of the Dubuque Times thus discourses upon advertising:– Fanny Fern has said some good things in her way, but she never made a better bit or spoke truer than when she perpetrated the following: “It is just as sensible to get married without courting as to attempt to succeed in business without advertising.” How are the public to know what you have to dispose of unless you make it known through the medium of the press? A gentleman whose mind had been brought to bear upon this subject by reading an article on the subject of advertising, concluded to make an examination of the matter, and taking up a paper examined the advertisements, made a list of those merchants who had advertised, and them made a tour of the streets where they were located, and his experience was, that those houses which advertised frequently and liberally were crowded with customers, while equally as attractive looking stores next door to them were doing but little, and some of them no business.
– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 25, 1862, p. 1
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