
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Missouri News

HOUSTON, Texas Co., April 19,

Correspondence of the Missouri Democrat says: “We have been amused at the reports concerning the whereabouts of Price and Van Dorn. One day they are at Pittsburg, Tenn., and the next at Pittman’s Ferry, Black river, whilst we know that they are at neither place. Last Monday Price’s and Van Dorn’s commands were at DesArc 90 miles below Jacksonport, on the White river. So far from the rebels being at Pittman’s Ferry they have actually evacuated Pocahontas. The town is now deserted, the merchants having removed their goods. Jacksonport is also nearly deserted, the troops having been removed to DesArc 90 miles south of where the rebels seem to be concentrating in large forces.

Price is reported to have gone to Corinth.

Albert Pike, with 2500 Indians, and 600 Texan Rangers were left on the border to harass Curtiss, and engage the Kansas troops if possible, while upon our south, Coleman is in close proximity. Gen Edgar Ashbury is also trying to raise a regiment for guerilla warfare on our border.

Col. Schnable is at Yellville, Ark., with 1,500 men.

Gen. McBride has gone to headquarters to get an order to raise an independent command, to operate in North Arkansas and South Missouri.

Col. McFarland with his command has gone to DesArc.

Lieut. Col. Wood, commanding General of this post, has been absent nearly six weeks. He returned last evening, and already we are under marching orders. So look out for something in this district soon.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 24, 1862, p. 1

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