
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Proceedings of the Board of Education

TUESDAY, April 22, 1862 – 2 P. M.

President in the chair. Present – Messrs. Collins, Grant, French, Olshausen, Blood and Smith.

Mr. French reported that the County Treasure has almost funds enough to pay J. J. Lindley’s judgment vs. Board of Education, and that he, said Lindley, agrees to wait for payment until the County Treasurer will have collected the full amount of said judgment.

On motion of Dr. Olshausen that report was adopted, and the orders made by the Board on the 12th inst. “that the Treasure pay said judgment,” was rescinded.

The Superintendent’s report in regard to supplying new school in Fulton’s addition with teachers, was adopted on motion of Mr. French, and that the teachers recommended by the Superintendent be employed in said school.

Mr. French offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to consider the expedience of introducing the study of the German language in the high school, and to report at the next meeting.

Which resolution was carried on motion of Dr. Olshausen, and the chair appointed the following committee: Messrs. French, Grant, Olshausen.

On recommendation of the Superintendent Mr. James A. Ryan was elected assistant teacher in School District No. 1.

On Motion of Mr. Smith the Superintendent was allowed leave of absence for two weeks to visit schools in the East.

Messrs. French and Olshausen were appointed a committee on planting treats at No. 4 and No. 6 school lots, with power to act.

On motion adjourned sine die.


– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 24, 1862, p. 1

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