
Thursday, March 18, 2010

From McDowell’s Division

Herald’s Special.

NEW YORK, April 26.

A Fredericksburg date of the 23d states that Gen. McDowell’s force occupied that city, his headquarters being the house of Mr. Lacey, and aid to the rebel Gen. Smith.

The flotilla succeeded in clearing the Rappahannock of obstructions, and reached Fredericksburg on Saturday.

Work has commenced on the Aquia Creek and Fredericksburg RR., which will soon be in running order. The RR. Bridge over the Rappahannock can be immediately rebuilt.

Much valuable information, relative to the course and condition of the roads south of us has been obtained from the contrabands and residents of Alexandria.

In immense amount of flour remains in Fredericksburg, and over a thousand bushels of corn are now at the mills, being ground for the use of the troops. The cotton factory at Falmouth continues to run as usual.

The reports of barbarities perpetrated upon our men at Bull’s Run [sic] have not been exaggerated. The rebels dug up the remains of our soldiers and made spurs of their jaw bones, cutting up their skeletons into every conceivable form and sending the trinkets home to their friends.

The rebel army is reported as being greatly demoralized by the present Union victories – the news of which the rebel authorities in vain endeavor to suppress. The rebels quartered in Fredericksburg last week moved off towards Gordonsville, and it is believed are encamped but a short distance from this place.

Contrabands are flocking in by scores; - many of them possessing valuable information. From them we learn that the rebels had a regiment of mounted negroes, armed with sabres as Manassas, and that the regiment is still in service near Gordonsville.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 28, 1862, p. 1

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