
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Iowa Items

The question of who shall go to Congress is already being agitated in some portions of the State. In the third district, (the northeastern part of the State,) Hon. Reuben Noble has been talked of. He, however, authorizes the McGregor News to say he will not be a candidate for any office the coming election.

The Keokuk Constitution the other day published an article taken from an Ohio paper, justifying the Southern traitors for rising in rebellion against the Government. The Gate City says that copies of the Constitution of that date were circulated among the secesh in the hospital at that place, with the assurance that the sentiments of the people of the North were truly represented in the article in question. An Andy Johnson in Keokuk would soon put a stop to such villainy.

An important act was approved by the Governor on the day of the adjournment of the legislature, relative to the right of widows in the property of their deceased husbands. The act revives the provisions of the code of 1851 on the subject, and gives the widow a title in fee simple to all the property of her husband at the time of his death. Husbands have the same rights in the estates of their deceased wives.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, April 29, 1862, p. 2

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