
Saturday, April 10, 2010

From Washington

WASHINGTON, April 28. The following has been received: FORT MONROE, April 28. TO HON. E. M. STANTON:– The news of the occupation of New Orleans by our forces is confirmed to-day. No other news. (Signed,) JOHN E. WOOL, Major General Commanding Mr. Arnold, from the committee on roads and canals, reported in favor of the enlargement of the Illinois and Michigan canal. The report states that the work has been more than half completed by the State of Illinois, having expended thereon over $6,000,000. The canal has been in operation since 1858, and now yields an annual revenue of about $2,000,000. This will be greatly increased by the enlargement of the Illinois rover. The state of Illinois offers this canal and its revenue to the United States on condition that Congress will provide the means for enlarging it, so as to pass gunboats from the lakes to the Mississippi. This will place us on an equality with Great Britain, that power being able by her canal to pass war vessels from the ocean to the lakes. The Senate in executive session to-day confirmed a large number of military nominations, including the following named, to be Brigadier Generals of volunteers: Col. Max Weber, of N. Y.; Col. Thos. J. Crittenden [sic], of Ill.; Col. Wm. P. Benton, Jeremiah Sullivan and John C. Newton. By the steamer Connecticut, the Navy Department received dispatches from Com. Farragut and Capt. Porter to April 12th. The steamers Pamlico and Mississippi were over the bar, and the flotilla is moving to take their position. Two Confederate schooners loaded with cotton were captured trying to run the blockade, bound for Havana. Prisoners report there were several gunboats building at New Orleans and five already on the keel. Several lately went up the river with the steam battering ram and 10,000 men. The schooner Columbia, of Galveston, with cotton, bound for Jamaica, had been captured by a party of men from the Montgomery. Not being able to bring her out, the schooner was destroyed. On April 4 an expedition, en route for Pass Christian, consisting of the steamers New London, Jackson and Lewis, with troops, were attacked by the rebel steamers Oregon, Pamlico and Carondelet. The Lewis was withdrawn, owing to the crowded state of her decks. The others continued the fight one hour and forty minutes, when the enemy withdrew, apparently much injured. The expedition then landed at Pass Christian. WASHINGTON, April 29. The commission on ordnance supplies have, it is said, rejected all the foreign contracts and considerably curtailed those for the manufacture of arms in the United States. The ordnance office has issued proposals for manufacturing, within, on year, Springfield rifles and muskets and Harper’s Ferry muskets, together, with carbines, revolvers, sabres, swords and scabbards. The department reserves to itself the right to reject any bid and to consider none made through any broker or party other than the regular manufacturers. Several days ago the House passed a resolution desiring the Secretary of War to communicate all the facts and circumstances within his knowledge relative to the late evacuation, by our troops, of Jacksonville. The Secretary replies, that he conceives it to be the province of the President to furnish information concerning military operations; but the President has directed him to say that the evacuation was for reasons not deemed compatible with the public interest to disclose. Specials state there is a rumor that the Government is in possession of information which may possible lead to a cessation of hostilities. A mediation and compromise form the basis of the rumor. It is rumored that Gen. Cadwallader is to take the place of Gen. Smith at the west. Sedgewick, of N. Y., is appointed on the House committee on confiscation vice Olin, declined. It is stated that a majority of the committee favor a strong bill for the confiscation of rebel property. The following was received to-day at the War Department: NEAR MONTERY, Tenn., April 25. Five companies of our cavalry had a skirmish with the enemy’s cavalry two miles in advance of here. The enemy retreated. Five of them were killed, on of them a Major, and eighteen prisoners, with their arms and horses, were captured and are in camp. One of the prisoners named Haughan was formerly foreman in the Louisville Demicrat office. We had none killed or wounded. – Our forces are in capital spirits. Prisoners say the enemy have upwards of 80,000 men at Corinth and will fight, and that they are entrenching and mounting large guns. – Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 30, 1862, p. 1

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