
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Iowa Twelfth

From the official report of Lieut. Colonel Coulter, which we find in the Dubuque Times, we learn that the losses of the Iowa 12th were as follows:

Company A Killed 4, Wounded 2, Missing 20.
Company B Killed 0, Wounded 7, Missing 51.
Company C Killed 2, Wounded 7, Missing 40.
Company D Killed 3, Wounded 8, Missing 49.
Company E Killed 2, Wounded 7, Missing 43.
Company F Killed 1, Wounded 7, Missing 50.
Company G Killed 0, Wounded 1, Missing 53.
Company H Killed 0, Wounded 6, Missing 38.
Company I Killed 0, Wounded 2, Missing 39.
Company K Killed 0, Wounded 5, Missing 37.
Total Killed 12, Wounded 52, Missing 420.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 30, 1862, p. 2

Note: Due to issues formatting tables in Blogger, this article has been reformatted to present the information in a more reader friendly format than what would have appeared had I not changed the formatting. The information presented is accurate to the article.

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