
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Local Matters

If you want wall papers of the newest patterns, go to Plummer’s, No. 50 Brady st.

GREAT EXPECTATIONS can be realized by calling at Plummer’s and buying some of those new styles of wall papers.

DECORATE your dwellings with some of those recherché patterns of wall paper, which can be seen only at Plummer’s, No. 50 Brady street.

ANY PERSON wishing a good sewing machine for family or manufacturing purposes, should call on R. Krause, No. 35 West Second street, and examine Singer’s celebrated machines.

LANDLORDS, paper your houses with some of the beautiful paper hangings which can be found only at Plummer’s. Then on rent day, instead of being met at the door with a broomstick, you will be greeted with pleasant smiles.

WIDOW’S DOWER. – The omission of the words ‘on-third of,” after ‘a title in fee simple to,’ in the paragraph on widow’s dower, among the Iowa Items yesterday, made quite a change in the legality and sense of the same.

THE LARGEST, best and cheapest stock of dry goods in the city can undoubtedly be found at Wadsworth’s. Farmers especially should not make their purchases without first examining his stock. They will be sure to find goods they want, and of the best qualities.

A RUNAWAY in Rock Island last week will cost the owner of the team, so the Argus estimates, somewhere about $100 in fines and damages to be paid for property damaged by the runaway. The victims of the law were drunk at the time, and were consequently properly served.

WIRES DOWN. – The steamer Hawkeye State yesterday morning struck the telegraph wire across the bridge with her smoke-stacks, severing the wire. The operator, Mr. Stearns took prompt measures to have the damage repaired and to prevent a repetition of the occurrence.

A LIBERAL ACT. – Mr. P. L. Cable, of Rock Island, sometime since bought under foreclosure the Andrews estate in that city for $5,000 in gold. Subsequently he presented the widow with the deed of his own house and lot, with $500 in gold, beside $100 to her daughter; an act of liberality which finds too few parallels.

DAY LABORERS. – Nearly wore out our best pair of boots yesterday hunting up a laboring man to do a little job of digging. Found any number of idle men, but none who were willing to work. Upon a close calculation we have given, the present month, just $1.50 to poor, able-bodied men who protested they could find nothing to do and their families were suffering!

REPAIR YOUR SIDEWALKS. – That’s what the City Marshal says, and he talks as if he meant it. And there surely is abundant need for such a warning. On most every square of the city there are broken planks and places where planks have been; eyesores in the daytime, and man-traps at night. The Marshal only allows this week for the work to be done by owners of lots; thereafter the city will take it in hand, and the costs will accumulate. We notice some persons are attending to their premises, and have done the required work already. They are wise.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 30, 1862, p. 1

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