
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Local Matters

RAIN. – Saturday evening we had the hardest rain of the week, which it was hoped would be the winding up shower of this spell of weather.

VETOED. – Subsequent to the adjournment of the Legislature, the Governor vetoed the bill providing for a reduction of salary, and the City Charter and University bills.

RAILROAD TIME TABLE. - The railroad superintendents were in session at New York last week to arrange the spring and summer time-table. The New tables will probably go into effect before the 1st of May.

DAVENPORT TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. – A meeting of the Union will be held at the office of the Democrat & News, on Monday evening, April 14th, at 7 o’clock. All printers are requested to be present. By order of the President.

TWENTY little ladies met at the house of the editor Saturday, and scraped lint all the afternoon for our wounded soldiers. At these little sociable gatherings there is always great rivalry between the tongues and fingers of the young ladies.

PERSONALITIES. – We do like a good argument and a fair opponent, but for such personalities as ‘bully’ George of the Democrat treated the readers of that sheet on Saturday we have no stomach. We repeat all we said before, which is sufficient reply to his characteristic slang.

SHADE TREES. – Dr. Burtis set out, on Saturday, a number of shade trees, of elm, maple and mulberry. He has planted them in front of the lot, which he has recently purchased, in the rear of the Burtis House, on the corner of fourth and Iowa streets. Who will repeat the same experiment elsewhere?

WEATHER AND CROPS. – We have had a week of the most gloomy weather experienced her for many long months. Our farmers are disposed to complain at the poor prospects for good crops, but it is by no means too late yet to plow and sow wheat, and a few days of warm sunshine will put the ground in condition for cultivating. There have been seasons later than this, in which our farmers have raised good crops.

LAST WEEK was the dullest, gloomiest most anxious week our citizens have experienced for a long time. It was dull, because the rain and mud laid an embargo on farmers getting into town with their produce and citizens generally from doing their customary trading. Gloomy because cloudy or rainy all the time. The sun, we believe, didn’t show its face two consecutive hours during the whole week. Anxious because all were desirous to hear from our brave boys who had participated in the battle at Pittsburg.

FOR CALIFORNIA. – Mr. Chellison, of Ohio, has at the Pennsylvania House stable thirty-five horses, which he brought from Ohio with him recently. They are all fine, handsome animals, and are intended fro the California market Mr. C. takes a drove of horses over the plains every year, and will start soon with these horses and a lot of mules across this state and Nebraska for the same direction. He has usually crossed through Kansas, but last summer he narrowly escaped having his horses jayhawked, and he consequently comes this way now.

MARRIED. On the 9th inst., by Rev. I. N. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. SYLVESTER M. CLOSE and Miss EMMA M. BLACKMAN, all of this city.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 14, 1862, p. 1

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