
Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Senior Editor of the Cedar Falls Gazette . . .

. . . happened to be in Dubuque on the day of the Charter election in that place. The Gazette gives some of his experiences in that Godless village:

“Our Senior was in Dubuque on Monday (Election Day.) He says that while walking up Main street he met a party of “Democrats,” crazy with liquor. The party were passing a saloon when one of the members suggested that they go in and take a drink. “No,” said one of the number, “not here this is a d----d abolition hole – let’s go down to ____.” They started on, when it was proposed that they return and give three cheers for Jeff. Davis. – The suggestion was promptly accepted and the party retraced their steps to the front of the saloon, and there, in the city of Dubuque, on Main Street, raised their hellish, treasonable shouts for Jeff. Davis and the Southern Confederacy! We could not believe the reports of the doings in that city as brought us by the Times, until they were corroborated by our partner, who saw with his own eyes and heard with his own ears! Talk about regard for the Union and the Constitution! For such men as carried the municipal election of Dubuque on the 7th inst., it is simply blasphemous! We have lost all faith in those who lead the Democracy of Dubuque. The scenes enacted on Monday in that city are a burning disgrace not only to the city itself, but to the whole United States.”

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 1

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