
Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Sequel

Our readers will remember that some few weeks ago a detective from the northern part of Iowa arrested a citizen of this place named Peter W. Nowels, on the charge of being engaged in robbing the safe of the Treasury of Bremer county of $6,650. We published full particulars at the time, and were afterwards called upon by Mr. B. F. Spaulding, the detective, who regretted very much that we had done so, as he thought it might prevent him arresting another party who was an accomplice in the transaction. – We are happy to state, notwithstanding the article had general circulation over the State, that Mr. Spaulding has been successful in bagging his game. The accomplice’s name is Bemis, but, under various aliases, Mr. S. followed him from point to point, until he finally overtook and arrested him on the 10th inst., at McHenry, McHenry Co., Ill., where he had represented himself to be a poor man, a fact not supported by his recent purchase of two tracts of land – one in Missouri and one in Illinois, both of which were deeded to his wife. Nowels has been examined and held to bail in the sum of $4,000 to await trial. Bemis is also held in the sum of $8,000 to await examination, May 11th. Stevenson, the Supervisor, has taken flight, and suspicion naturally attaches to him as accessory to the robbery. In the conception and execution of his labors, Mr. Spaulding has shown many of the rarest qualities of a detective, and justly earned the reward offered.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 30, 1862, p. 1

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