
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Alonzo Luce, Private, Co. B, 19th Illinois Infantry - Compiled Service Record

Alonzo Luce, Pvt, Capt. Stuarts Co., 19 Reg’t Illinios Inf. Age 23 years. Appears on Company Muster-in Roll of the organization named above. Roll Dated Chicago Ill. June 17, 1861. Muster-in to date June 17, 1861. Joined for duty and enrolled: When: June 17, 1861. Where: Chicago. Period: 3 years.

Alonzo Luce, Pvt, Co. B, 19 Reg Illinois Infantry. Company Muster Roll for June 12 to Aug 31, 1861. Joined for duty and enrolled: When: June 12, 1861. Where: Stark Co., Ill. Period: 3 years. Present or absent: Not stated.

Sep & Oct, 1861, Not stated.

Dec 31, 1861, Not stated.

Dec 31/61 to May 31, 1862, Not stated.

May 31 to Aug 31, 1862, Present.

Aug 31 to Dec 31, 1862, Present.

Jan & Feb, 1863, Absent. Absent sice at Nasville Tenn since Jany 1/63

Apr 10, 1863, Special Muster Roll, Absent. Absent sick Nasville Tenn since Jany 1/63

Mch & Apr, 1863, Absent. Absent sick Nashville Tenn Jan 1/63

May & June, 1863, Present.

July & Aug, 1863, Absent. Sick in field Hosp at Cowan Station Tenn since Aug 13/63.

Sept & Oct, 1863, Absent. Sick in Gen Field Hosp at Cowan Station Tenn since Aug 13/63

Nov & Dec, 1863, Absent. Sick in Gen F Hosp Cowan Station Tenn since Aug 13/63

Jan & Feb, 1864, Absent. Sice in Gen Hosp. #1 Nashville Tenn since Aug 1863

Mar & Apr, 1864, Absent. Sice in Gen. Hospital No. 1 Nashville since Aug 18 ‘63

Alonzo Luce, Pvt, Co. B, 19 Reg’t Illinois Infatnry. Age 23 Years. Appears on Co. Muster-out Roll, dated Chicago Ill. July 9, 1864. Clothing acct: Due soldier $22.76. Bounty paid $___; due $100.00

This organization subsequently became Co. B, 19 Reg’t Ill. Inf.

NOTE: Unless otherwise noted all muster rolls are Company Muster Rolls.

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