
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Elisha W. Elliott

Elisha W. Elliott was the Second and last Quarter-Master. He was born in Ohio, and entered the Regiment from Knoxville, Iowa, celebrating his twenty-eighth birth-day by enlisting in Company G at Keokuk, the rendezvous; he was assigned to duty in the office of Lieutenant Ball, U. S. A., Post Q. M., and was appointed Commissary Sergeant on September 8, 1802, in the field, and on February 3, 1863, he was appointed First Lieutenant and Quarter-Master by Governor Kirkwood .

He was on duty by order of January 31, 1864, with Colonel J. D. Bingham, Chief Quarter-Master Department of the Tennessee, and was there during the Meridian Expedition. He returned with the Regiment and served with it until mustered out. Faithfulness to duty was his characteristic, as it was of his associate officers, and he gained a solid and sure reputation. He now resides in White Lake, Dakota, and is a farmer.

SOURCE: William W. Belknap, History of the Fifteenth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, p. 42

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