
Thursday, May 27, 2010

From Leavenworth


By general order No. 17, Gen. Hunter declares martial law throughout the State of Kansas, and declares the crime of jayhawking shall be put down with a strong and summary process.

Jos. Holmes, Secretary of New Mexico, eleven and a half days from Santa Fe, brings important dispatches to Gen. Hunter, and information regarding affairs in the Territory.

The rebel Brigadier-Gen., H. H. Sibley, was within 30 miles of Ft. Craig, with 2,000 Texans with artillery, and had issued a buncombe proclamation.

Col. Canby has taken active measures to oppose him, and feels able to make a successful resistance.

It is reported that a considerable force of Texans are advancing up Rio Pecos to attack Fort Union.

An express has been sent to Denver City for reinforcements, and the Colorado Troops would probably march immediately.

Martial law was proclaimed in the territory, and all the able bodied men were being drafted to serve in the militia. All the mules, horses, and ammunition in the territory have been seized for used of the government.

The Indians in territory reported troublesome.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, February 11, 1862, p. 1

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