
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

From Washington


(Tribune’s Correspondence)

Senator Morrill has prepared a bill fro the immediate emancipation of all slaves in the District of Columbia, and providing for a compensation not to exceed $300 a head on loyal owners. It has not yet been acted upon in committee. There are about 3,000 slaves in the District.

The clergyman who has persistently omitted the prayer for the President from the service read in his church, at Alexandria, has been arrested.

To correct a misapprehension about the interest paying clause in the legal tender bill, Mr. Rice of Mass., desired an amendment that the certificate of the deposit might be funded [on] five years’ seven percent bonds, with semi-annual interest payable in coin. Mr. Stevens consented to the funding, but objected to the words “in coin.” Mr. Spaulding, with his own pen, struck out the words from the amendment. A fair copy was made, but “in coin” was reinstated by the copyist, whoever he was. The amendment was presented and adopted, the friends of the bill being unaware that the words “in coin” were in it. The incongruity and want of principle in paying interest in specie on the seven per cent bonds and in paper on the six percent bonds, and the hostility of the friends of the bill to any specie clause whatever, as certain to depreciate the treasure notes and sent the Government into the street every six months to by $35,000,000 of gold, made a reconsideration inevitable. The who thing was an accident.

(Time’s Dispatch.)

The rebel government has sent word to Mr. Fish. And Bishop Ames, that they would not be admitted into the Confederate States to discharge any mission whatever.

(World’s Dispatch.)

The published fact that Gen. Stone has been removed from the command of a division on the upper Potomac, is corroborated. It is not known who has succeeded him.


Dr. Cheever preached another sermon this P. M. in the Hall of the House of Representatives, in favor of emancipation as a war measure.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, February 11, 1862, p. 1

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