
Saturday, May 1, 2010

List of sick and wounded on board the steamer Jennie Whipple . . .

. . . from the Hospitals at Keokuk and St. Louis:

John Iback, co K, 5th Iowa; Geo. Sullers, Co E, 5th Iowa; N H Smith, Co I, 5th Iowa; H C Rouse, co C, 10th Iowa; N. Tilliam, co C, 10th Iowa; B Dunbar, co C, 10th Iowa; G Gufford, co C, 10th Iowa; – Cora, Co A, 10th Iowa; C G Bailey, co A, 10th Iowa; – Clemmers, co A, 5th Iowa; Benton Ayers, co A, 5th Iowa; C J Boles, co K, 5th Iowa; C L Holcomb, co F, 10th Iowa; S Shockly, co B, 10th Iowa; J Ricer, co I, 10th Iowa – Haller, co F, 5th Iowa; – Brassfield, co F, 2d Iowa cav.; E Estebrook, co F, 2d Iowa cav.

Also, Lieut M P Benton, co F, 8th Iowa, wife in attendance; Capt. J. B. Hawley, co H; 45th Illinois, wife in attendance; Lieut. G. F. Vail, co K, 16th Wisconsin, brother in attendance; also corpse of private Andrew Pye, 23d Missouri.

And now a touching incident: Miss Annie B___ of Davenport, came down with us from Davenport, expecting to meet her betrothed, one of Iowa’s brave patriots, one of those brave Iowans, who have proved such heroes in our late victorious battles, Corporal J. S. Christian. Poor fellow, he died at the Hospital at Keokuk but yesterday, too soon for the loved ones to meet in life. He had left the boat this morning but a short time, when the corpse was brought on board. She now accompanies the illustrious dead to the hearth that was soon to make her a wife. We all feel that we cannot honor this loving and devoted woman too much.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 2

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