
Friday, May 7, 2010

Sick And Wounded

The following sick and wounded Iowa soldiers arrived at St. Louis, Saturday, on the Steamer Empress, from Island 10.

Isaiah W Wilson, co B, 2nd cavalry, fever; B Ayers, co A, 5th rheumatism; Geo W Baldwin, co H, do do; W H Messler, co G, 2d, bronchitis; Geo W Ferguson, co D, 5th diarrhea; H Clemens, co A, 5th, fever; A Mart, co K, 5th bronchitis, G Bransfield, co F, 2d cavalry, fractured thigh; J H Kelough, co I, do hernia; H Hagan co H, do; J K Waggoner, do do; C L Bailey, co C, 10th; Samuel Fox, co A, 2d cavalry; D R Crocker, co L, do; A Wakeman, co L, 2d artillery; M Moore co A, 2d cavalry; G W Guilford, co C, 10th; J C Rouse, do; S Hayworth, do; J Smith, do; B Dunbar, do; J Dickens, co I, do; Ag Fillon, co C do; B E Harrington, co H, do; W Gaylord, co F, 2d cavalry, S B Stort, co D do; S Shocklin, co B, 10th; W Case, do; C L. Holcomb, co D do; D F Palmer, co H, 2d cavalry, J fanbank, co C, 10th, C M McCoy, co A, 10th; D Johnson, co H, do; J K Edds, co D, do; C G Bules, co K, 5th; Nathan Warke, 10th.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 2

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