
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Southern News

NEW YORK, Feb. 8.

Southern newspapers received here state that the rebel leaders are devoting much attention to the subject of new railroads. – Jeff. Davis recommended to Congress in secret session the completion of the Miss. And Ala. Road, so as to connect Selma, Ala., with Meriden, in Miss.; and Congress proposed to appropriate $15,000 for that purpose. The N. O. Picayune also notices the fact that the road form Mobile to New Orleans, via Jackson and Meriden, has been completed, and remarks that it is most opportune, as the Yankees have possession of the Sound, and may destroy the coast line at any moment. A million of dollars, it is said, has been estimated by Mr. Davis, to construct a railroad between Danville, Va., and Greensboro, N. C., as a matter of military necessity.

By the frigate Savannah, we learn that the expedition on the Savannah river has been greatly magnified. It consisted only of a few small gun boats, and a brigade of 200 men, which sailed from Port Royal to reconnoiter and exercise the men. The main part of the expedition had returned with the Savannah left. A number of cannon were being sent through the Creek, but for what purpose is not known.

Com. Dupont has, and will in future, prohibit all communication between Port Royal and the north, as the correspondents of the press have materially aided in foiling many of his plans; and not steamer or sailing vessels will be allowed to leave until all has plans are perfected.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, February 10, 1862, p. 1

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