
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Arrest of Col. Jennison

LEAVENWORTH, April 29. – In a circular just published, Gen. Sturgis says: The arrest of Col. Jennison was the result of representations made by Lieut. Col. D. R. Anthony, of his own regiment, and Col. John W. Deitzler, his immediate commanding officer, and was made at the earnest solicitation of the latter officer, who, in his appeal to me of the 15th inst., demands is immediate arrest and charges him with the most grave and serious crimes known to military law.

Hiram Rich, an old resident of the West and for a number of [years] a Sutler at Ft. Leavenowrth, died suddenly yesterday of apoplexy.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p 3

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