
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The drunken Magruder . . .

. . . one of the rebel Generals on the York Peninsula, has written and published an address to his soldiers, which concludes as follows:

Soldiers! though reverses and disasters have recently befallen us, let us remember that the truth is eternal, and that God is just. His arm is our trust, and the great Ruler of nations and of men will protect the right and crown with victory the noble and brave.

Let us take courage, then. Our enemy, dead to the spirit of liberty, can only fight while their coffers are unexhausted. Commerce is their king. Their god is gold. They glory in their shame. The war which intensifies our devotion and concentrates our resources, scatters theirs. The day of retribution will come. The struggle will not be always defensive on our part. We will yet strike down our ruthless invaders, amid the smoking ruins of their cities, and, with arms in our hands, dictate terms of peace on their own soil.

Major-General Commanding.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 3

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