
Sunday, June 27, 2010


WASHINGTON, April 30. – HOUSE. – Mr. ELLIOTT submitted two bills, one to confiscate rebel property and to provide for the payment of the expenses of the present rebellion and the other to provide for freeing the slaves of all rebels who have taken up arms against the Government. Referred to the Select Committee.

Mr. WICKLIFFE asked leave to introduce a resolution of inquiry to ascertain by what authority Gen. Hunter hand issued an order to emancipate slaves in the manner expressed by Messrs. Hutchins, Lovejoy and others.

Objection was made to the introduction of the resolution.

The resolution from the Committee on Government contracts was taken up.

Mr. STEVENS moved to lay them on the table, which was rejected. Yeas, 17, Nays 107.

The following resolution was received.

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be requested to adjust the claim against the Government for the 5000 Hall carbines, purchased through Simon Stevens, by Gen. John C. Fremont, on August 6th, 1861, and afterwards delivered at the U. S. arsenal at the city of St. Louis, on the basis of a sale of such arms to the Government for $12.50 each, and rejecting all other demands against the Government on account of the purchase of said arms.

An unsuccessful effort was made to amend the resolution by making it read:

Purchased for Simon Stevens.

Mr. FENTON moved to amend the resolution by adding “providing that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to exonerate the Government from the payment of any claims arising for the advances made in good faith, on certification by the authorized officers of the Government.” This was rejected 53 to 71.

The resolution as originally reported was adopted by 123 to 28.

The House adopted a resolution censuring Mr. Cameron by a vote of 76 to 45.

A resolution censuring Mr. Welles, Secretary of the Navy, was rejected 45 to 72.

The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the Pacific Railroad bill. Not much progress was made on it. Adjourned.

SENATE. – Mr. HARRIS presented a memorial from the Chamber of Commerce of New York, on the system of taxation.

Mr. WADE from the Committee on the Conduct of the War, made a report in relation to the barbarous treatment of our soldiers at Manassas. The report was ordered to be printed.

On motion of Mr. WADE the homestead bill was taken up.

Mr. Carlisle offered a substitute for the bill, which was postponed until to-morrow.

Mr. NESMITH introduced a bill to amend the act of 1851 for a military hospital for invalid soldiers.

Mr. POWELL’s resolution calling on the Secretary of State for information concerning the arrest of persons in the state of Kentucky was taken up.

Mr. POWELL said that he had been much annoyed at the opposition to this resolution. The substitute offered by the Senator from Massachusetts (Sumner) was merely an attempt to avoid giving the information asked for.

After some debate the morning hour expired. The Confiscation bill was taken up. Messrs. WILMOT and RIGHT spoke in its favor, and Mr. McDOUGAL against it.

WASINGTON, May, 1. – HOUSE. – Mr. BLAIR of Missouri, called up the bill recently reported form the Military Committee, authorizing the appointment of a Board on Fortifications, to provide for the coast and other defences, of the United States, and for other purposes, and abstract of which was published on the 24th of April.

Mr. BLAIR explained the provisions of the bill, and in response to a question, said it surrendered the appropriations already made. It also provides that the money shall be expended upon such works or defences, as shall be named by the commission, proposed to be created by the bill. The consideration of the bill was postponed until Tuesday.

Mr. LOVEJOY from the Committee on Territories, reported a bill to render Freedom national and slavery sectional.

The house then went into committee of the Whole on the Pacific Railroad bill.

The time was occupied in the explanation of numerous amendments, when the Committee rose without coming to any consideration of the bill. Adjourned.

SENATE. – Mr. HOWARD presented petitions in favor of a general bankrupt law.

Mr. WRIGHT, also, presented petitions for a bankrupt act, and said that more of them are coming from Indiana.

Mr. WILSON, of Massachusetts, offered a resolution, that the Secretary of War, be requested to report whether one Frederick Emory, who murdered Wm. Phillips in Leavenworth, Kansas in 1855 or 1856, had been appointed to any place in the Department of Kansas.

Mr. LANE, of Kansas, said the Government had before it to-day, the Kansas difficult, and he presumed it would correct the evil. The resolution was laid over.

The Confiscation bill was taken up.

Mr. WILSON, of Massachusetts, offered, as an amendment to the sixth section of Mr. Collamer’s substitute, authorizing the President to make a proclamation and free the laves of those who continue in the rebellion for 30 days.

Messrs. WILSON and MORRILL spoke in favor of the bill.

Mr. DAVIS offered a resolution, declaring that the war now carried on by the United States, shall be vigorously prosecuted and continued to compel obedience to the Constitution and laws, within the limits of every territory, by all the citizens and residents thereof, and for no further end whatever.

On motion of Mr. SUMNER, the resolution was laid over.

On motion of Mr. WILSON, of Massachusetts the resolution asking the Military Committee to enquire whether any further legislation was necessary to prevent soldiers and officers from returning fugitive slaves was taken up.

Mr. SUMNER said he was glad the Senator from the State of Iowa, in his speech, had called attention to some officers concerning their treatment of fugitives. One General who lately made an order returning fugitives was a native of Massachusetts, and he (Sumner) used his influence to get him appointed. If he had known that Gen. Hooker would have made such an order, he never would have tried to get him an appointment. When a General falls in battle there is honor in it, and we regret his death, but when a General falls as Gen. Hooker has fallen, there can be nothing but regret. He rose to call attention to the order of Col. Doubleday, and contrasted it with that of Gen. Hooker, saying that he (Doubleday) was an honor to his country.

Mr. SUMNER then referred to Gen. McCook at the West, and also to the conduct of the Provost Marshal at Louisville, as being disgraceful to the army. Mr. S. also read and account of how blacks were oppressed at Louisville.

Mr. DAVIS asked Mr. Sumner where he got his account.

Mr. SUMNER said from the newspapers in New York.

Mr. DAVIS had no doubt of the falsity of the account.

Mr. WILSON of Massachusetts said that he had abundant evidence of the disgraceful treatment of fugitive slaves by portions of the army.

Mr. SUMNER also referred to the return of fugitive slaves from the camps of General Buell, and to the order of Gen. Halleck excluding all fugitives from his lines. Sumner said the order was unconstitutional, absurd and deficient in common sense, an outrage upon common humanity and unworthy of a soldier. Such an order would exclude all the valuable information received from fugitives such as for instance the capture of New Orleans and the evacuation of Fredericksburgh.

Mr. SAULSBURY offered as an amendment to the resolution the following: And also to enquire what further legislation is necessary to prevent the illegal capture and imprisonment of free white citizens of the United States.

Mr. SAULSBURY referred to the number of persons taken from the States of Delaware and Maryland. They had been seized by military authorities and dragged away to forts and prisons, after being kept a week or two were discharged because no fault could be found with them.

These men belonged to a class who are deemed to be of no account, and whose interest do not appear to be cared for, for they are unfortunately are free white persons. The men who had committed no offense were reserved in violation of every law and every night. If the wrongs of the negro are to be redressed he could only ask that the same justice might be meted out to white men. He also asked nothing further. Men who were disloyal to the Government, he would have punished to the full extent of the law.

The Senate [then] went into Executive Session, after which it adjourned.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 3

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